Best to get this “Session 1” out of the way since session "2” is now underway ….
July 8th, Blue with good potential for altitude. Mike had an interesting day, he had to re-launch (rare this season) but somewhere during his first landing he damaged his sail on the left wing. (later on some video we could see that it lightly touched the ground).
The damage went un-noticed until he was up on his second flight. He could see a small section of 3” x 2” cloth hanging down out near the leading edge. After a bit of discussion over the radio it was decided to head back into to Mansfield and land. After inspection we figured there must have been a rock in the field that cut the cloth. Later that evening I helped him pull the sail and by next morning with the help of Jeff the sail was repaired and ready to go.
Other flights from the 8th…
Jorge's drunken meandering 45km triangle ....
My 140km triangle had some interesting moments, out near the western rim (Waterville) I was suddenly able to crack through the lower air and climb up to 12,000+ ft asl so I started a leg across Farnham and McNeil canyon up to Dyer hill. Crossed over a familiar PG pilot that turned out to be Alex Raymond… doing his version of a Chelan “Sammy”, very low on the rim, heading south from Wells dam. I was surprised to find out he made it back. At least he had the option to walk home (and it would have been a very long walk). From Dyer it was back to the tow site and home to Mansfield for cool Becks (and to help Mike pull his sail on his VR).
Nic Voss, a pilot from the “good old days” arrived and in exchange for room, meals and Scotch joined us to run the rig for a few days. Sadly, Jorge and Michele ended their stay… and as usual where late leaving to be where ever they had to go
July 9th, weather, wind with potential overdevelopment in the forecast so it was a trip to summer falls for a day off (Mike was getting his sail repaired) and Randy had to head back to work.
July 10th
Today I managed to put together my own personal best for FAI triangles (making it home). It was inspirational as I did not feel it was a very good day. The early first leg was very slow and hard work. Not the kind of day I was expecting to go well. Once turned at my southern turn point I pushed north to join up with Mike (who had turned near Wilson Creek). Things improved dramatically on this second leg , for a change I had clouds to chase and someone out ahead that was indicating good lift.
My objective was a turn point near the Columbia river north of Wilbur but a big blue hole forced me to cut short the leg (still 70+ km’s) and head for home. Just north of Highland I stumbled across Mike where we set up a crossing for Banks lake, timing some nicely spaced cloud for a good arrival on the west side of the lake. Here Mike and split up, he pushed home, I hung out in some nice smooth air, peaking over 12,000 near the tow road so I went on a big long glide out toward Wells dam and the Columbia river to the west. About 20km’s past Mansfield I turn and ran for home to end the day.
My 235km FAI triangle (personal best)
July, 11th. Day off for me. Mia and Mike did and excellent job running out into the blue. Nick and I ran chase in what we called the cemetery tour, waiting at all the cool shady rest stops of Wilbur, Almira, Hartline and Mold cemetery's.
Mikes 178km FAI triangle (his personal best!) Nice Job Mike!
July 12th. Odd high cloud, good soaring numbers but a strange looking day. Not to inspired but I took a tow. Found the air to be pretty nasty so suggested to Mia to bag the day (she did). I poked around, heading west in strong ratty air to meet up with a PG gaggle over Farnham canyon (full of Ice Peak comp wings). I stayed above the mess peaking out well over 12,000 ft but did not like feel of the day so I pushed south to Farmer. There everything went soft and I only managed to cross back over to the east side of Jamason coulee and pull a few k’s north. There Mia and Mike caught up and helped me pick out an LZ. Wind sock and a breeze and I still duffed my landing! Dirt tasting (nobodies perfect):
My 80km flight… Session “2” coming soon… Cheers
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